Earlier today, George and I did a fun craft I found online at busybeekidscrafts.com. The
plastic baggy fish was fun, easy and required few materials. He enjoyed crumpling the paper and carried his fish around the house for quite some time.The directions for the craft can be found if you click on "plastic baggy fish" above.
To make the craft more meaningful to him, we also flipped through Disney's
Finding Nemo book (it's still a bit too long for us to read together) as well as read one of his favorite books,
Quiet Loud! by Leslie Patricelli which mentions how fish are quiet. We spent a few moments watching the fish in our aquarium as well.
I can also see reading Leo Lionni's
Swimmy with this project. His book is short with great life lessons like working together and being happy with yourself while also displaying beautiful, eye-catching illustrations. If we do this craft again or one similar to it, I will probably check
Swimmy out from the library.
This was a neat project and a fun way to incorporate more books into our day.