Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Game Changer

Today was Day 4 of my latest project. Between being a mommy to King George, a wife to my tall, dark and handsome fella, and my writing, my house had really taken a backseat. My mom-in-law felt the same way because of her time-consuming job. We decided to do something about it. We ordered the book, "Sidetracked Home Executives: From Pigpen to Paradise," made our index cards, and dove in. So far, my house is sparkle-candle scented-take a relaxing breath-clean. I love the structure that the program provides. I do work my butt off to get my daily tasks done, but it's an awesome feeling when I can put the cards in the next day's file. My husband, who was born organized, doesn't quite understand. "Why do you have to have a card?" he asks. Like the book says, I have the best intentions, but get easily sidetracked. He doesn't mind his cards either, and when George gets old enough, he'll have cards too. To have a crispy clean house is definitely worth the hours spent putting my little black box together and making sure the daily tasks get done. I'm ecstatic to be organized for the next year. My mom-in-law seems pretty happy so far too. I can't recommend it just yet, because it is only Day 4, but I do have a pretty good feeling about it.

I'm grinning, because, now, I have guilty-free time to write and fit in a Hallmark Christmas movie. Woo-hoo!

If you're interested, feel free to message me below, and maybe I can give you a few tips to help you get started.

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